A List of Unrelated Things Connected Through A Picture

i) You understand real loneliness when you’re in a room full of familiar people, and yet feel like a stranger. You can sit with a hundred companions in a straight line, and yet struggle with chaos. You can sit like that single pigeon and yet be your best company.

ii) Mumbai has always been a city of dreams. Every night, it gives birth to a billion dreams, every morning it breaks a million of them. Every dream is to be kept Mum, before it breaks into a Bye.

iii) The sunlight that is now touching your soul will one day pierce your eyes. It’s not really the sun’s problem, it is your mood that changes your perception.

iv) The colour of the sky can trigger memories as much as that one familiar name can. After all, it is the same ‘roof’ that you both shared. Ah, distance is a wicked thing.

v) I’ve learnt in Science that almost everything in the universe works in harmony, and only then it survives. My counselor’s note reads- “You’re filled with chaos, but you live on.” I hate contradiction. And now, Science.

vi) Loss is inevitable, no matter how dearly you hold on to something or someone. Your prayers might as well delay the loss by a few minutes, a few days or even a few years… But God has His order to maintain. He needs to take some things back from you. Nevertheless, He is merciful, He grants you something else instead. That is why not all prayers are answered. And I guess that is why I am writing about this picture instead of living it otherwise.

– Shereen A. Mir (via Instagram)

6 thoughts on “A List of Unrelated Things Connected Through A Picture

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      1. I stay in a different country, so I get to visit Bombay only once in a year. I still love the city, maybe the ways to express that have changed or perhaps, the love has.
        Why do you feel that way? (If I may ask)

        Liked by 1 person

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